Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Food You Should Not Refrigerate

Refrigeration adversely affects their flavor, so store in the pantry in paper bags (plastic bags trap moisture and speed decay). Most varieties should last three weeks. 
The refrigerator dries it out fast. Instead, keep what you'll eat within four days at room temperature and freeze the rest.
They like their original mesh bag (or any bag that allows for air circulation) in the pantry. But keep them away from potatoes, which emit moisture and gases that can cause onions to rot. 
It will do well for two months in the pantry. Store loose, so air can move around it. 
They can get mealy in the fridge, so leave them on a counter, out of plastic bags. To speed ripening, store in a paper bag. Once ripe, they'll last for about three days.
Winter Squashes 
Varieties such as acorn, butternut, delicata, and spaghetti will last for about a month or more in the pantry.

Hot Sauce 
It can live happily in the pantry for up to three years.

The fridge (and the freezer) create condensation, which can affect the flavor of both ground coffee and coffee beans. Coffee fares best in an airtight container in the pantry.

thanks yahoo
credits for the owner of the images

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